“Ko te ahurei o te tamati arahia o tatou mahi” “Let the uniqueness of the child guide our work” All tamariki (children) bring their own special uniqueness. We treasure each child’s contributions, beliefs, curiosities, passion and potential.
We want our children to enjoy an environment where they feel a sense of security, belonging and can have fun, supported by Kaiako (teachers) who know them well and have their best interests at heart. As a mixed aged centre, we value tuakana teina relationships and foster everyone learning alongside one another.
We recognise that our unique bicultural heritage is founded in Te Tiriti o Waitangi | Treaty of Waitangi. It is important to us that our tamariki experience the languages, music, art and stories of the cultures of Aotearoa. We respect and support the right of each child to be confident in their own culture and encourage children to understand and respect other cultures.
We recognise the important role of whānau tangata (family and community) and the importance of developing respectful, reciprocal relationships with tamariki and whānau. We seek, value and respect the unique knowledge and contributions of whānau in their aspirations for their child and we encourage their contributions within our programme. We are guided by our NZ Early childhood curriculum "Te Whāriki” with the vision that children are “competent and confident learners and communicators, healthy in mind, body, and spirit, secure in their sense of belonging and in the knowledge, that they make a valued contribution to society” (MOE, 2017, p.5.)
We value the importance of children learning through play at their own pace and in their own way. Our programme and environment allows children plenty of choice and the time and freedom to investigate, explore, discover, be creative, develop independence, take risks, enjoy relationships and make sense of the world around them. Our Kaiako support children’s interests and natural curiosity by working alongside them, building on language, mathematical and science concepts, as well as literacy, digital technology and sustainable practices.
We support tamariki to engage respectfully with, and to have aroha (love) for, Papatūānuku our Earth Mother. Tamariki are encouraged to build on the understanding of kaitiakitanga and the responsibilities of being a kaitiaki (guardian) by, for example, caring for rivers, native forest, and birds (MOE, p.33)
Providing quality education and care is at the heart of what we do. As teachers we share a passion for teaching and learning and providing a high-quality programme. We believe life is a learning journey and are committed to ongoing reflection, evaluation and professional development.
The Uxbridge Teaching Team Deanne, Maya, Joanna, Anu, Tracy and Jo.